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Follow the Tips from a Pro Cleaner and Avoid Getting Trapped Like a Sponge.

Sleep like a dream- foam mattress topper.

When the foam mattress began its phase-in, no doubt there were the stalwarts who could never see how a piece of foam padding could replace the solid, firm coiled set that seemed to last an eternity. Now we are hard-pressed to find a mattress with no foam component. The sewn in the added top cushion or varying inch depths of individual topper or the entire mattress is designed to provide the maximum in conformability, support, resilience, and longevity. Dust, pollen, and allergen-free chemical processing make this dream delights a great investment, but they can be prone to soaking up stains and odors like a thirsty sponge. With a few simple steps, you’ll have great luck in lessening the mess before it becomes a disaster.

Emergency cleaning or routine cleaning?

Be it a pet snuggle gone awry, a diaper that wasn’t dry, a 2 a.m. bedwetting, or other personal sickness or fluid release, beds are known to take the brunt of a gamut of stains. The problem is, most of us would rather just wing it, close the bedroom door and deal with it another time…hoping once it dries, it will back to normal. To break out of that feather-downed habit, if the mess happens out of the blue, just accept the fact that accidents happen, no harm, no foul. But it must be counter-attacked ASAP, beginning with removing any covers, linens, and linings straight into a laundry, or pretreated until laundry can be done. Next is removal as much of the wet stain as possible with some gentle dabbing pressure with a cold, damp cloth. Not soaked or saturated with any cleaning agent. Just a cold-water compress. If you catch it on time, this might be the only step you’ll need to undertake. If not, let's switch footwear:

Make Carpets Clean Again

Bleach, bubbles, or bath?

No, no oh and uh….no. Without a commercial professional pressure steam vacuum cleaner on hand, the simple mix of a few drops of laundry soap, some vinegar, and cold water on a clean towel can tread where others fear the spot on the bed. Give this homemade fix it mix a try being patient for the mattress to dry. A fan, open window can help, but again, if this is an overnight call out, you may have to get to as much of the stain as possible, flip the mattress keeping it protected, and wait until morning light when you’ll have more time. The initial attack of the biggest shame is paramount. Suppose the stain not have been removed to your satisfaction. In that case, you may wish to call in a professional service to come in and use a high-pressure steaming power vacuum. A premium chemical cleaner specifically designed for foam, latex, rubber or synthetic. Like a top-quality broadloom cleaning, the steam cleaning process is an excellent choice to obliterate stains and remove pollens, allergens, mites, dead skin cells, and even mold and mildew. If you are using a cleaning crew, all that’s left up to you is to maintain a simple routine freshening of the foam.

The ten-minute treatment.

Ten minutes twice a month will add years to the life of your mattress. And for just pennies! Set aside a couple of times a month, or if you change your bedding more often than that, add the ten minutes here as well. When stripped, give a quick vac to the mattress, followed up with a light sprinkle of fresh baking soda (not the box that has been preponed to catch odors elsewhere as transference will occur), give it a gentle brush into the foam and let it sit while you rotate your mattress. Vacuum again and either turn the mattress completely over and repeat with the baking soda or slip on your freshly washed mattress over and sheets. 
++ for something a bit different, every once in a while, add just a couple of essential oil drops to your baking soda for a hint of mint, light and lively lilac or calming calendula for a truly indulgent sense calming slumber.++

Either way, enjoy the time you have.

We spend at least one-third of our lives sleeping. So when night comes creeping, doesn’t it make good clean, economic sense to take care of our beds and not take for granted how well we are sleeping? Memory foam will help you keep those dreams with you and steer you clear away from unsightly nightmares. So for all-around pristine health benefits, keep your foam mattress topper a true memory show stopper.

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